王希金 博士
(一) 发射药配方及制备工艺技术
(二) 发射药烧蚀规律及缓蚀剂机理研究
(三) 复合材料在发射药中的性能研究
1. Xijin Wang, Zhitao Liu*, You Fu, et al. Bio-inspired synthesis of RDX@polydopamine@TiO2 double layer core–shell energetic composites with reduced impact and electrostatic discharge sensitivities. Applied Surface Science, Volume 567, 2021, 150729.(SCI,2021中科院一区)
2. Xijin Wang, Zhitao Liu*, Pengfei Sun, et al. Mussel-inspired PTW@PDA composites for developing high-energy gun propellants with reduced erosion and enhanced mechanical strength, Defence Technology, Volume 32, 2024, Pages 675-690.(SCI,2023中科院二区)
3. Xijin Wang, Zhitao Liu*, Pengfei Sun, et al. Influence of nickel powders on burning behaviors of single-based propellant in variable-pressure and constant-pressure combustion conditions, Arabian Journal of Chemistry, Volume 17, Issue 1, 2024, 105403.(SCI,2023中科院二区)
4. Xijin Wang, Zhitao Liu*, Qian Chen, et al. Influence of Various Flame Temperatures of the Gun Propellant on the Effectiveness of the Erosion Inhibitor and Relevant Mechanisms. ACS Omega 2024 9 (8), 9410-9423.(SCI,2023中科院三区)
5. You Fu, Xijin Wang, Yao Zhu, et al. Thermal characteristics of dihydroxylammonium 5,5′-bistetrazole-1,1′-diolate in contact with nitrocellulose/nitroglycerine under continuous heat flow, Arabian Journal of Chemistry, Volume 15, Issue 1, 2022, 103466.(SCI,2022中科院二区)
6. Ling Chen, Qiang Li, Xijin Wang, et al. Electrostatic spraying synthesis of energetic RDX@NGEC nanocomposites. Chemical Engineering Journal. Volume 431, Part 4, 2022, 133718.(SCI,2022中科院一区,TOP)
7. Yao Zhu; You Fu; Xijin Wang, et al. Mechanism of the anisotropic nitroguanidine crystal arrangement on triple-base propellant failure by impact and strategy of structural enhancement. AIP Advances 13, 115315 (2023).(SCI,2023中科院四区)
8. Ling Chen, Qiang Li, Liangyou Zhao, Fengqiang Nan*, Jie Liu, Xijin Wang, et al. Enhancement strategy of mechanical property by constructing of energetic RDX@CNFs composites in propellants, and investigation on its combustion and sensitivity behavior. Combustion and Flame. Volume 244, October 2022, 112249.(SCI,2022中科院二区)
9. You Fu, Zhitao Liu*, Bin Xu, Yao Zhu, Xijin Wang, et al. Influence of different energetic plasticizers on the performance of NC-RDX nitramine gun propellants. Journal of Science-Advanced Materials and Devices, Volume 9, Issue 1, March 2024, 100650.(SCI,2023中科院三区)
10. Ling Chen, Xinfu Cao, Yong Chen, Qiang Li, Yingbo Wang, Xijin Wang, et al. Biomimetic-Inspired One-Step Strategy for Improvement of Interfacial Interactions in Cellulose Nanofibers by Modification of the Surface of Nitramine Explosives. Langmuir 2021, 37, 28, 8486-8497.(SCI,2021中科院二区)
11. Jing Yang, Zhitao Liu*, Fangyuan Tang, Jianwei Zhang, Qian Chen, You Fu, Yao Zhu, Xijin Wang, et al. Surface modification of nitrocellulose by interfacial self-assembly of metal-phenolic network for enhanced thermal stability and eco-friendly propulsion energy. Polymer Degradation and Stability, Volume 225, July 2024, 110815.(SCI,2023中科院二区)
12. Qian Chen, Zhitao Liu*, Yao Zhu, Jianwei Zhang, Ling Chen, Bin Xu, Jing Yang, You Fu, Xijin Wang, et al. Improving flowability of the propellant prepared by solventless extrusion process by integration dendrimer and investigation on its thermal, sensitivity, and combustion features. Arabian Journal of Chemistry, Volume 17, Issue 2, February 2024, 105574.(SCI,2023中科院二区)